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24/7 Tier1, 2 & 3 Support

Tier 1: Acknowledgement

Our Tier 1 service will provide a response within 1 hour of receiving the ticket to acknowledge and confirm to Wiley that the ticket is being reviewed.

Tier 2: Triage and Resolution by SME

We understand that software applications are critical to any modern business. Modern applications rely on many different components all working together seamlessly. When there's a glitch in one part, the process can break down. Often times, the issues are complex and unique. Here's where Kash Solutions’ Tier 2 comes into play. The nature of Tier 2 issues may range from advanced features, pilot error, product bugs or data related issues. The task here is to diagnose and resolve issues related to these applications and components.

Our Tier 2 service is geared towards providing a SME that can quickly identify the nature and complexity of the ticket. This is our gatekeeper service utilizing subject matter expertise to respond to the client within 24 hours with either a resolution, workaround and/or provide a delivery path and set correct expectations.

Our process includes the following:

  • Performing a Detailed Investigation, Diagnosis and Impact assessment

  • Replicating the Issue if necessary

  • Providing Frequent Status Updates

  • Determining a Resolution or Work Around

  • Scheduling Downtime or Deploying a Hot Fix or Change.

  • Escalation to Tier 3 (if needed)


Tier 3: Enhancement Specialist

Tier 3 specialists are generally the most highly skilled product specialists, and may include the creators, chief architects, or engineers who created the product or service. This team typically also handles Change Requests.

Our Tier 3 service is designed for delivery of enhancements based on the requirements following the Agile Life Cycle. 

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